Sunday, January 29, 2012

I Went Broke Afterward

New York at night
The rest of my holiday I spent visiting the Big Apple, New York. I was going to be there for 10 days. To be honest, at that time I was kind of totally blind about what to do. But that would never prevent me from going to a new place.

I met my friend Tyas over there. We rented an apartment with some other friends so the cost could be split up. We stayed in Brooklyn.

When I was in Indonesia, I watched some movies, which showed me many things about New York. I saw the Statue of Liberty, Manhattan, the Empire State Building, and the Wall Street Bull, all through my TV! But then, finally, Oh God, I was there! I bought the city pass to make the costs cheaper. If I didn’t buy that, I would have spent twice as much as I did.

To get around the city, I used the subway. That was also my first experience riding an underground train. I’m actually already familiar with the train, but for the way it runs, I mean the underground track, that was surprising for me. I wondered how they came up with that idea. It’s supposed to be really expensive to build it, but then, the advantages exceed all the costs.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I was Rocketing!

I conquered the frozen lake!
In the past Winter break, I got about two weeks off. My friend told me that she wanted to do something for the break even though the Fall Semester did not conclude. I was kind of curious about what she was going to plan for it. Then she ended up with an idea: Go to New York!

I didn’t know if I wanted to go for it or not. It’s far away from Fargo, and it would cost me too much. Then I thought that this could be the only one chance I got in my life to see the popular city. Whether I would like it or not, I should see it. I finally bought the ticket then arranged where I would stay. On December 27th, in the second week, I decided I would be flying there.

But why did I decide to fly in a week after the holiday got started? Christmas! That’s the only reason for it. I wanted to know how people here in Fargo celebrate their Christmas.

I did not want to miss this chance since I’m here in the US. Well, I don’t want to talk more about religious stuff here, but I see that every religious celebration among different people has a cultural side that welcomes diverse people to join in the fun the celebrations.

Finally, I went to Dennis’ house in Hawley, Minnesota. His family is the family I joined during Thanksgiving Day. They invited me to their Christmas party. I was so excited. I went there with Susilo’s family, an Indonesian family in Fargo I’ve been getting along with. They gave me a ride.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Satu Setengah Juta Kami untuk Pak Polisi

Pak Polisi (
Sedari kecil, di sekolah, aku seringkali diberitahu kalau menjadi Polisi itu tugas mulia. Menangkap pencuri, menertibkan lalulintas, dan yang paling aku suka adalah menyeberangkan orang tua dan anak-anak. Mulia bukan? Mulia sekali!

Beberapa kawanku ada yang ketika ditanya: Apa cita-citamu? Jawabnya: Polisi. Dengan tegas ia jawabnya dan ketika ada karnaval peringatan HUT RI, ibunya rela pergi penyewaan kostum anak-anak dan membayar harga tinggi hanya untuk mendandani anaknya menjadi Polisi.

Ketika masuk SMA, beberapa kawanku telah bersiap-siap masuk Akademi Kepolisian. Masuk akal-kah? Masuk akal sekali. Polisi itu tugas mulia, dan juga keren. Aku katakan itu keren! Hingga akhirnya lulus, aku lihat beberapa yang akhirnya benar-benar jadi Polisi. Selamat kawan! Kau mengemban tugas mulia!

Tapi kau tahu, itu semua, bahwa Polisi adalah tugas mulia, bahwa mereka adalah penyelamat bangsa, penertib lalu-lintas, penyeberang orang tua dan anak-anak, tak berarti sama sekali bagiku. Aku dulu berpikiran demikian, tapi sekarang tidak sama sekali.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Jalan-Jalan di US

this is it!
FARGO-JAZZ MUHAMMAD - Hal ini sangat simple, tapi kalau tak tahu, bisa buat orang tersesat. Tersesat? Wah ada aliran sesat ini! Gundhulmu aliran sesat! Dasar orang, sukanya bikin masalah. Kalau orang alirannya sesat, terus mau apa? Kau gatal-gatal? Kulitmu ada yang luka? Atau tanganmu putus? Bisulan?

Ya sudahlah biarin aja. Ngapain ngurusin orang, hidup saja yang damai. Buka-buka usaha atau apa gitu. Nulis-nulis juga boleh. Atau bikin blog juga boleh. Sini temenan sama aku. Lagipula, masih banyak hal yang bisa dibicarakan.

Tapi soal sesat-sesatan orang di US tak gampang tersesat. Bukan karena minimnya aliran sesat, tetapi karena jalan-jalan di sini memiliki sistem penamaan yang cukup sederhana. Jalan yang mana? Ya jalan yang pakai aspal itu.

Di bagian yang melintang ke arah barat-timur, nama jalannya cuma satu yakni Avenue atau biasa disingkat Ave. Nah, untuk membedakan Avenue satu dengan yang lainnya, jalan diurutkan dengan angka mulai dari Main Avenue, 1st Avenue, dst.

Begitu juga dengan jalan yang membujur ke arah utara-selatan. Namun, namanya bukan Avenue, tetapi Street atau disingkat St. seperti sebelumnya, pengurutan jalan juga dengan angka: Main Street, 1st St, dst. Kalau nanti ada tambahan N atau S, itu berarti north atau south.

Akan tetapi, tak semua juga jalan seperti itu. Untuk jalan-jalan tertentu, ada nama-nama khusus seperti Broadway, Park, University Drive, dan masih banyak lagi. Namun demikian, jumlah jalan yang dengan nama khusus itu tak seberapa bila dibanding jalan yang hanya bernama Avenue atau Street.